A blueprint and approach for building end-to-end, full-stack applications in Scala 3
Let's go through some libraries from ZIO ecosystem that will allow us to implement API layer with ZIO HTTP
Let's take a look at the issues that enums have in Scala 2 and whether we found the Holy Grail with the introduction of Scala 3.
How Scala 3 addresses concerns around implicits and how implicits work in Scala 3.
How to make Scala more approachable and productive?
A short case study of a real production issue that was debugged, minimized, and fixed using property-based testing.
As WebAssembly matures and gets more and more traction from the community, you might wonder can Scala join that trend?
How to leverage Scala with scala.js to write frontend as functional programmers would do.
Avoid mistakes in API design, implementation and evolution with Smithy
Understanding the exact properties that disqualify a data type from being an instance of a given abstraction turns out to be surprisingly helpful
Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with Scalar community and create lasting memories
Learn about opaque types and add this new tool to your modelling toolbox!
I'll share a handful of techniques that can help you avoid runtime errors and shift them to the realm of compile time
Let's go through some most common patterns when it comes to integrating Scala applications with Kafka
We will look into three less-understood, yet (arguably) extremely useful constructs introduced in Cats Effect 3: Dispatcher, Supervisor, IOLocal
How to implement fast and cost-effective backend for a multiplayer game using Scala, Akka and GraalVM
We all have pretty little things laying around in our codebases, yet, we seldom give them the same love
I will show you how you can build your own IDE for scala based on my nvim setup
How Libretto, a Scala DSL for concurrent programming, can be used for writing custom stream operators
Scala is improving rapidly. This session will give you the perspective of someone in the middle of these changes.
A sneak-peek of the "FEDA: Powered by Scala 3" book.