I will show you how you can build your own IDE for scala based on my nvim setup
While this seemed to be impossible a few years ago, it all has changed with the rise of such projects as LSP (metals in our case) and tree-sitter. During this presentation, I will show you how you can build your own IDE for scala based on my nvim setup. We will cover parts that are most essential both from the perspective of writing scala and general software development. We will talk about metals, bloop, lsp, code navigation, making the editor more interactive, and why I decided to use such a setup in favor of Intellij Idea, which I have been using for years.
Let's take a look at the issues that enums have in Scala 2 and whether we found the Holy Grail with the introduction of Scala 3.
How to implement fast and cost-effective backend for a multiplayer game using Scala, Akka and GraalVM
A short case study of a real production issue that was debugged, minimized, and fixed using property-based testing.
How to make Scala more approachable and productive?