Łukasz Michniewicz

A senior fullstack software engineer with strong skills in Security Engineering and DevOps

About me

I am a senior fullstack software engineer with strong skills in Security Engineering and DevOps. I am passionate about functional programming, AI, deep learning, and have a total of 14+ years of professional experience in business domains ranging from telecommunication to legal tech. In my free time I experiment with cloud technologies deployed to private bare metal Kubernetes cluster

Łukasz Michniewicz

Speaker's events

Day 2
12:00 pm
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Building multiplayer game backend with Akka on AWS Lambda

How to implement fast and cost-effective backend for a multiplayer game using Scala, Akka and GraalVM

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Seasoned software engineer specializing in distributed systems, functional programming, data-driven systems, and ML

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Ayush Mittal

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Kamil Kloch

Kamil left academia, discovered Scala and never looked back.

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John de Goes

John is a mathematician by training, who has been writing software for decades across the fields of concurrent, distributed, cloud, and large-scale data processing systems.

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Michal Pawlik

I am creating warehouse automation systems in Scala.

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