Filip Michalski

Full stack developer focused on Scala language and functional approach to coding

About me

Full stack developer focused on Scala language and functional approach to coding. Working with a client from gathering requirement, writing implementation all the way to the support of developed solutions. Big enthusiast of speedway and (surprise surprise) - pizza. Occasionally hackathons attendant.

Filip Michalski

Speaker's events

Day 1
3:30 pm
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Scala from B to F - Backend developer on Frontend

How to leverage Scala with scala.js to write frontend as functional programmers would do.

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Author of Monix, Typelevel contributor,

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Kamil left academia, discovered Scala and never looked back.

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Magda Stożek

Senior Scala developer, a fan of strongly-typed languages who enjoys trying to find "the right way" of doing things

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Aleksandar Skrbic

I am a software engineer who loves working at the intersection of backend and data engineering.

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Martin Odersky

The inventor of the Scala language, a professor atEPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland, and a founder of Lightbend

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