Have we found the Holy Enum?

Let's take a look at the issues that enums have in Scala 2 and whether we found the Holy Grail with the introduction of Scala 3.

Jacek Kunicki
I'm a passionate software engineer living in the JVM land.
About This Talk

Enums are one of the language features that Scala 2 has been infamous for. The sole fact that there’s a number of approaches to implement enum-like behavior is already a warning light. Then, no matter which approach you choose - the built-in Enumeration, ADTs or an external library like Enumeratum - all of them have some drawbacks. Scala 3 has promised a revolution in the area of enums. In this talk we’re going to look at the issues that enums have in Scala 2 and whether we found the Holy Grail with the introduction of Scala 3.

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