We will look into three less-understood, yet (arguably) extremely useful constructs introduced in Cats Effect 3: Dispatcher, Supervisor, IOLocal
We will look into three less-understood, yet (arguably) extremely useful constructs introduced in Cats Effect 3: Dispatcher, Supervisor, IOLocal. Some updates to Dispatcher and Supervisor are as recent as the 3.4 release of CE3. A user looking at the interfaces in isolation may struggle to immediately justify their need. We will start off from another end: present 3 use cases we personally encountered in our code and then solve them using the right tool.
Learn about opaque types and add this new tool to your modelling toolbox!
I will show you how you can build your own IDE for scala based on my nvim setup
I'll share a handful of techniques that can help you avoid runtime errors and shift them to the realm of compile time
We all have pretty little things laying around in our codebases, yet, we seldom give them the same love