We will look into three less-understood, yet (arguably) extremely useful constructs introduced in Cats Effect 3: Dispatcher, Supervisor, IOLocal
We will look into three less-understood, yet (arguably) extremely useful constructs introduced in Cats Effect 3: Dispatcher, Supervisor, IOLocal. Some updates to Dispatcher and Supervisor are as recent as the 3.4 release of CE3. A user looking at the interfaces in isolation may struggle to immediately justify their need. We will start off from another end: present 3 use cases we personally encountered in our code and then solve them using the right tool.
How Libretto, a Scala DSL for concurrent programming, can be used for writing custom stream operators
How to implement fast and cost-effective backend for a multiplayer game using Scala, Akka and GraalVM
A sneak-peek of the "FEDA: Powered by Scala 3" book.
Let's take a look at the issues that enums have in Scala 2 and whether we found the Holy Grail with the introduction of Scala 3.