A blueprint and approach for building end-to-end, full-stack applications in Scala 3
This talk will demonstrate a blueprint and approach for building end-to-end, full-stack applications in Scala 3, using Cats, Cats Effect, Doobie, FS2, Http4s and friends, working live at Rock the JVM.
Let's go through some libraries from ZIO ecosystem that will allow us to implement API layer with ZIO HTTP
How to leverage Scala with scala.js to write frontend as functional programmers would do.
Learn about opaque types and add this new tool to your modelling toolbox!
As WebAssembly matures and gets more and more traction from the community, you might wonder can Scala join that trend?
Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with Scalar community and create lasting memories
Let's go through some most common patterns when it comes to integrating Scala applications with Kafka